Monday, December 31, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

12/20/07 Thursday Conference Call

Keeping yourself possitive, and moving forward no matter what

12/20/07 Thursday Conference Call

Keeping yourself possitive, and moving forward no matter what

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

11/26/07 Wednesdays, Day 3, Pacesetters

This actually Tuesday's, I got Tuesdays mixed up with Wednesday's. Just complete it and each day you complete the assignments add 50 points!

Monday, November 26, 2007

11/26/07 Monday, Day 1, Pacesetters Class

11/26/07 Monday Conference Call

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey
The new Mineral Foundations

Samantha Adee, Specail Training on New Names & Selling

Kathleen Koclanes, Samantha Adee, Getting New Names, warm chattering, Selling the product.

11/19/07 Monday Conference Call

New products and packaging

11/15/07 Thursday Conference Call:

Karen Davison talks about 10 classes on the books

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Monday 11/12/2007 Conference Call/Hotline

Kathleen, Annette, Julia. DO NOT FORGET TO PUT IN YOUR PCP ORDER! Deadline Is This Thursday The 15th. Plus A Guest Speaker Julia On Booking 10 Classes.

Friday 11/09/2007 Conference Call/ Hotline

Darla Lewis With Words Of Wisdom From Mary Kay Ash.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday 11/05/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Julia, Mary, Bobbie, Cheryl, & Kathleen With Training From The Retreat, Being Branded & Committed.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Wednesday 10/31/07 Conference Call/Hotline

Mary, Annette, & Kathleen With Favorite Product Day.

Tuesday 10/30/07 Conference Call/Hotline

Julia, Mary, Kathleen & Darla Training On Choices.

Monday 10/29/07 Conference Call/Hotline

Julia, Mary, & Kathleen Training On Recruiting After You Get The Sale. Book...Sell...Book...Recruit.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10/26/07 Conference Call/Hotline

Julia & Kathleen With Training On Class Close. Tell Them What You Want To Do & Then Ask Permission.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday 10/25/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Julia, Darla & Kathleen:
Class Close & HOW IMPORTANT It Is & To Specify The Hostess Program

Wednesday 10/24/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Julia, Annette, Bobbie, Mary, & Kathleen With * OUR FAVORITE PRODUCTS * The Spacifics & Why To Use Them.

Tuesday 10/23/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Annette, Corrina, Darla, & Kathleen: The Eagle Concept.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Audio On David Cooper Guest Night & Workshop

Guest Speakers David Cooper, Jan Chesmore & Kathleen KoClanes .

Monday 10/22/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Cheryl, Julia, Mary, Bobbie, & Kathleen on keeping track of names & phone numbers without using paper by using Outlook on your computer.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday 10/19/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Shonda, Julia, Darla, & Kathleen On Recruiting & Asking Questions To Help Them Think About What They Just Said, Plus David Cooper Work Shop.

Thursday 10/18/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Mary, Bobbie, Julia, Annette, Darla, & Kathleen With Training On Becoming A Car Winner & What You Need To Do.

Wednesday 10/17/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Julia, Annette, & Kathleen With Product Knowledge Day.

Tuesday 10/16/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Mary , Annette, Darla, & Kathleen With Mary Kay's Philosophies & Living By The Golden Rule, & Go Give Spirit.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Monday 10/15/2007 Hotline/Conference Call

Mary, Annette, Bobbie, Julia, Darla, & Kathleen Talking About Eileen Mackley & Teaching On How She Became So Successful. Do Not Worry About Results, Think Of The *Sharing*

Friday 10/12/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Julia, Bobbie, Darla, & Kathleen Talking About Second Facial.

Thursday 10/11/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Kathleen, Darla & Julia On Recruiting & How To Turn It Around By Using The Word *Sharing* Instead.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Conference Call/Hotline

Darla, Kathleen, & Julia With Favorite Products.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Conference Call

Bobbie, Mary, Corrina, Darla, Kathleen On Updated Contests Plus Holiday Selling Ideas.

Monday 10/08/2007 Conference Call

Julia, Bobbie, Darla, Kathleen With Company Contest Updates Plus Julia On Selling To Businesses.

Thursday 10/04/2007 Conference Call

Julia, Marlene, Bobbie, Kathleen & Darla: Do You Want To Own, Or Rent???? How Your Business Is Focused On This Principle. Plus Keeping Your Important Business Information @ Your Finger Tips.

Wednesday 10/03

Favorite Product Day With Mary, Julia, & Kathleen. Plus The New Hotline Phone # Is 641-715-3423 Acess Code 354937#

Tuesday 10/02/2007 Conference Call

Kathleen, Darla, & Julia Training On Getting Your Mens Support.

Tuesday 10/02/2007 Hotline

Darla Lewis With Starting Over, Getting The Ball Rolling & Time Management.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Monday 10/01/2007 Conference Call

Julia, Darla, & Kathleen Training On Calling Customers & Getting Started Again.

Monday 10/01/2007 Hotline

Kathleen With Call 3 People Challenge & New Beginnings.

09/28/2007 Conference Call

Darla, Marlene, Kathleen With Holiday Thinking Sheets & Tons Of Ideas

Friday 9/28 Hotline

Karen Davison Sharing Her Awesome Training.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Conference Call

Mary, Bobbie, Annette, Kathleen, & Darla On Objections & Words To Overcome Them.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Conference Call

Julia, Mary, Annette, Bobbi, & Kathleen With Favorite Products & What They Like About Them.

Wednesday 9/26 Hotline

Kathleen With DISC Personailities & How To Work With Them.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Conference Call

Mary, Annette, Marlene, Corrina, Kathleen, & Darla Training On Positive Question Openers.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Conference Call

Kathleen, Julia, Annette, Darla & Cheryl Training On Overcoming Objections & Actually Getting To The Main Root Of Their Concern.

09/24/2007 Hotline

Kathleen with why it is so important to ask questions at all of your appointments.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Conference Call

Kathryn, Annette, Kathleen & *silent listeners* Marlene & Bobby Plus Julia Training On 21 Common Interview Objections & Words To Help Over Come Those Objections.

Friday 09/21/2007 Hotline

Kathleen Finishing Up On Recruiting Interview Facts By Heather Jewelson.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Mary, Julia, Bobby, Kathleen & Darla With Crow Time, Holiday Ideas, Plus How To Make It Your BEST Month Ever!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Conference Call

Julia Cody, Mary Freeman, Marlene Fotes, & Kathleen KoClanes With *Favorite* Product Day :-)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Conference Call

Julia, Marlene, Mary, Kathryn, Corrina, Kathleen & Darla Training On Going To The Mary Kay Manufacturing Plant & The Awesome Quality Company We Work For.

Monday 09/17/2007 Hotline

Kathleen With Dialogues From Kathy Hilaou On Recruiting.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Conference Call

Mary, Julia, Annette, Darla, & Kathleen With Suggested Dialogues To Use For Recruiting.

Saturday 9/15/2007 Hotline

Karen Davison Training On Holiday Previews & Items You Will You Need To Do These.

Friday 9/14/2007 Conference Call

Marlene & Kathleen Training On Recruiting.

Friday 9/14/2007 Hotline

Kathleen Training On Star Recruiting By Gloria Mayfield.

Thursday 9/13/2007 Hotline

Karen Davison With Challenges For M/K's Anniversary.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Julia, Kathleen & Darla On The New Holiday Items & Training From Donna Bayes On Creative Classes.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Conference Call

Julia, Annette, & Kathleen & Darla With Our Favorite Products & The Knowledge Of Them.

Wednesday 09/12/2007 Hotline

Kathleen With Info On The Fall Retreat @ The Chula Vista.

Tuesday 09/11/2007 Hotline

Darla & Julia With Some AWESOME Training On The Interview Process & How To Recruit.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Mary, Marlene, Corrina, Kathleen, & Darla With Reasons To Be A Star Consultant & Awesome Training From A Top Director & How To Do It.

Monday 09/10/2007 Hotline

Karen Davison Training On New People Connections & Mary Kay Philosophies.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Conference Call

Julia, Annette, Kathleen, Betty & Cheryl With Words Of Wisdom * Bloom Wherever God Plants You * Plus Training On Holiday Workshops & Company Updates.

Friday 09/07/2007 Conference Call

Julia Cody, Mary Freeman, & Kathleen KoClanes On How To Do A Mary Kay Mens Class Plus Working This Business As A Full Time Job.

Friday 09/07/2007 Hotline

Kathleen With Making This Business Work For You & How To Do It.

Thursday 09/06/2007 Hotline

Karen Davison With The Popcorn Comparison VS Mary Kay Success.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Julia, Betty, Kathleen, & Darla With Training On *FUN* Classes, Playing The Purse Game.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Conference Call

Julia, Annette, Darla, & Kathleen With *Favorite* Product Day!!!!

Wednesday 09/05/2007 Hotline

Kathleen With Holidays Ideas & How To Market Your Business PLUS Doing A *Perfect* Start.

Tuesday 09/04/2007 Conference Call

Julia, Annette, Corrina, Darla, & Kathleen On The CMA Awards & Marketing This To Your Customers.

Monday 09/03/2007 Hotline

Kathleen With The New Hostess Promotion & ALL The Details.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Friday 08/31/2007 Conference Call

Annette, Darla, & Julia : Training On The Proper Customer Sevice Techniques & TRUE Mary Kay Go Give Spirit.

Thursday 08/30 2007 Conference Call

Julia, Annette, & Darla With Favorite Products & Product Knowledge.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Conference Call

Julia, Annette, & Darla Training On Strategies For The Stressed!!! Sumarization For Some GREAT Ideas To Double OR Triple Your Income In Your Mary Kay :-) Plus Interview Questions To get Positive Results. Thank YOU Julia!!! :-)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Julia, Sheryl: On Recruiting & The Mental Aspect Of Recruiting & What You LOVE about This Company!

Monday Hotline

Karen Davison With * On The Go's*

Friday, August 24, 2007

Conference Call

Julia, Annette, & Darla On The Mary Kay Ash Story.

Thursday 08/23/2007 Conference Call

Annette, Julia, & Darla With Training On The Roll Up Bag Close From Donna Bayes Unitnet site.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wednesday 08/22/2007 Conference Call

Julia, Annette, & Darla With Their *FAVORITE* products & all the spacifics.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Julia, & Darla: A Tribute To Janie With The Blue Angels On Team Work.

In Memory Of Janie Fotes

Sorry I couldn't get the pictures on here :-( That is Kathleens' fortae NOT mine. Janie was sooooo many people ALL in one wonderful package. My Friend, my sister consultant, my mentor, & yes @ times even my mother guiding me & scolding me whenever she knew I needed it. She lead by example, even up to the very end. She lives within my heart & always will. I love you Janie! Corrina

In Memory Of Janie Fotes

August 16, 1934 – August 20, 2007

By Kathleen Koclanes
The greatest day God creates is the day he brings someone into your life that is a true friend who makes; you smile, laugh, and help you believe in yourself and love you beyond your faults and mistakes. God truly blessed us all beyond belief when he brought Janie into our lives and especially mine.
Janie was not only number one consultant every single year in my unit except for the year she was in the hospital 6 months, she was many times double and triple Queen. She was voted Miss Go-Give many times that we couldn’t count them all. She went above and beyond the call of duty whenever she could. She never missed a weekly accomplishment sheet. She was still calling her customers and servicing them until the last day. She was more concerned about making sure they got taken care of than anything else. Marlene Fotes her niece will be taking care of them from now on. Janie made sure that they would have someone to rely on.
She had 2 sons. Greg and Rich Fotes. Greg passed on 3 and 1/2 years ago and Rich is still in Pardeeville WI, with his wife. Her pride and joy was her only Grandaughter, born to Greg and Shanna Amble named Cheyenne.
No words can ever express how much we will miss Janie. But we all know she will always be with us making sure we take care of ourselves and everyone around us with love, forgiveness, kindness and the true spirit of Go-Give.

Monday August 20, 2007

Dear Beautiful Ladies,
Our Queen for the last 20 years in our Unit passed away tonight just before 10 PM at Saint Mary's Hospital after a great struggle. She didn't give up for one second, but is without pain and at peace and with her family on the other side. Janie brought so much love and joy to 100's of people and we love her dearly. I am leaving in 7 1/2 hours for Alaska. I started it on word in the attachment and would like you to add your comments and stories so someone can pass it onto her beautiful family. Please watch the paper for details.

May God Bless you all,
Love and Appreciation

Monday 08/20/2007 Conference Call

Janie, Annette & Kathleen With Conference Call Schedule For Next 2 Weeks & The 12 Day Blitz.

Monday 08/20/2007 Hotline

Darla Lewis With Awesome Areas To Find Resources For Your Business.

Saturday 08/18/2007 Hotline

Karen Davison With Finding Your Direction From Bill Cantrel.

Friday 08/17/2007 Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Julia, & Kathleen With The Positive Way To Ask Questions To Get The Results You Want.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Friday 08/17/2007 Hotline

Kathleen On How To Be A Woman Of Influance With An Excerp On Mary Kay Ash.

Thursday 08/16/2007 Hotline

Karen Davison On How To Do National Court Of Sales.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Conference Call

Kelly, Annette, Janie, Julia, Kathleen, & Darla Training On Luxery Lunches.

Wednesday 08/15 Conference Call

Janie, Julia, Annette & Kathleen With Their Favorite Products & What They Do.

Wednesday 08/15 Hotline

Kathleen Updates & Finishing Up Your Goals For Star Consultant.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Janie, Julia, Corrina, Darla, & Kathleen With The Scripts From Last Week & How Well They Are Working.

Tuesday Hotline

Kathleen With Questions On Products & Ingredients & Where To Find The Answers.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Conference Call

Julia, Annette, Darla, & Kathleen On Dreams & Goals... How To Decipher Them, Set Them. The Difference Between Dreams & Goals. Eliminating Negative Energy. Plus The Spacifics On Car Production.

Monday 08/13 Hotline

Darla Lewis On Product Knowledge & How The Company Decides On Our Products & Their Quality * We Understate & Over Deliver*

Saturday 08/11 Hotline

Karen Davison With Info On Brow & Eyeliners * Add WOW To Your Brows*

Friday, August 10, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Kathleen & Darla: Beth Davies Sold SEVEN Miracle Sets!!! WOW Beth's Phone Dialogue On Selling The Miracle Sets. PLUS ways to navigate the NEW Intouch Website.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Julia, Kathleen & Darla With 8 Good Reasons Why To Be Self Employed.

Wednesday 08/08 Conference Call

Annette, Janie, Julia, Darla & Kathleen On *Our Favorite Products*

Wednesday 08/08 Hotline

Kathleen Congratulations Karen Davison!!! Becoming a *MASTER* booker. Contest for booking 8 classes Before Sunday Night.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Julia, Corrina, Kathleen, & Darla Training On Eight Reasons To Set Goals & Focusing On Your Goals Plus Kathleen With An Awesome Booking Dialogue.

Tuesday 08/07 Hotline

Kathleen On Hosting A Mary Kay Mens Night.

Monday 08/06 Conference Call

Janie, Kathleen, Julia, Darla, & Cheryl Sharing Words Of Wisdom From Her Seminar.

Monday 08/06 Hotline

Darla Lewis With What Is A Power Team :-)

Saturday 08/04 Hotline

Corrina Warwick: The New Targeted Action Line Revitalizer.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Janie, Juia, Darla & Kathleen With The New Bella Belara & Holiday Products.

Friday Hotline

Kathleen With Exciting Updates.

Thursday 8/2 Hotline & Hotline Messages

Karen Davison On Exerps From Bill Cantrels" Book & Highlights From Seminar.

Thursday 8/02/07 Conference Call

Annette, Julia, Kathleen & Darla: Some awesome words of wisdom.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Julia, Silent Listeners, & Kathleen On Favorite products.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Julia, Corrina, Kathleen, & Darla With Getting Back To Dreaming Again Plus Words From Ryan Rogers.

Audio From Medical Relations

What To Tell Customers Concerned About Using Only All Natural Products.


Kathleen All The Wonderful Fun Things Happening & The Awesome Professional Company We Work For Plus What Colors Do For Your Image.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Julia, Darla, & Kathleen With The Miracle Set Bonus & The Wonderful New Compacts & Products.

Friday July 27th Conference Call

Janie Fotes, Our Silent Listeners & Kathleen KoClanes With Our On Target Car Drivers & The Beautiful NEW cars Available Plus What The Qualifications Are.

Friday July 27th Hotline

Kathleen On Professional Polishing, The Do's & Don'ts.

Thursday July 26th Hotline

Kathleen With *NEW* Product Highlights From Seminar, Plus The Current Promotions & Bonuses.

Wednesday July 25th Hotline

Karen Davison With Four Qualities To Have For A Successful Business.

Thursday July 26th Conference Call

Julia Cody, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis & Kathleen KoClanes. Darla's Highlights From Seminar.

Kathleen's Class Closing

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Friday 7/20 Conference Call

Kathleen With Class Close * Roll Up Bag Close *

Friday 7/20 Hotline

Kathleen With New Consultant Cars, What Are Your Goals/Dreams.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Julia, Shonda, Kathleen & Darla: On Product Replacement & The Importance Of Returning It To The Company Right Away.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Conference Call

Julia Cody, Shonda Thrash, Darla Lewis & Kathleen KoClanes: Favorite Products, What Is Does & How To Sell It.

Wednesday 7/18 Hotline

Kathleen: Recap On Unit Awards Picnic & The NEW Product Bonus & Contest.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Conference Call

Darla, Corrina, & Kathleen: Our *NEWLY* Designed Intouch Website :-)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday 7/16 Conference Call

Janie Fotes, Cheryl Surdar, Darla Lewis, Kathleen Koclanes. DOUBLE Credit On The Miracle Set. All The Specifics :-)

Monday 7/16 Hotline

Darla Lewis: 13 Ways To Make Money In Mary Kay Even When U Are Busy.

Saturday July 14/07 Hotline

Corrina Warwick: David Coopers 85 Second Indivual Close ( Set Close, Booking Close & Possible Recruit Close )

Hotline Messages

Friday 7/13 Hotline

Karen Davison: The Field Of Dreams On Team Building, Getting A Home Run.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Consultant Booking Approach: By Jan Chesmore

New Consultant booking approach: by Jan Chesmore.

Hi ________, this is __________, with Mary Kay. This isn’t a bad time f or you is it? _____ the purpose of my call is I am in the training phase of my new career with Mary Kay and part of my training is to talk to 30 woman about my product and presentation and I have selected you. Is there any reason why you couldn’t face model for me and sign my training sheet? Great, which is better for you the day, night or weekends? Beginning of the week or the end of the week? Thursday or Friday? I have free ____ or ____, which is better for you? Great ______ are you excited? Now _______ there is just one more thing, if you would like to share this with a girlfriend or two I would have a special gift for you, OK? Great!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Conference Call

Darla Lewis, Kathleen Koclanes & @ Work Listeners: Four Questions To Ask While Doing An Interview, Your Job & Responsibilities.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Conference Call

Julia Cody, Shonda Thrash, Kathleen KoClanes & Darla Lewis: Getting Past Rejection.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

07/11 Hotline

Karen Davison With AWESOME People Management Skills. PLUS Please Keep Our WONDERFUL janie Fotes In Your Prayers!!! She Is Going Through Some Bad Times!!! (((( HUGZ )))) Janie :-)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Conference Call

Shonda, Beth, Kathleen, With What To Put In Hostess Packets & Darla With Recruiting.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday 7/09 Conference Call

Darla, Cheryl, & Kathleen On Booking Approaches & Dialogues.

Monday 07/09 Hotline

YOU ALL!!! A *MUST* listen here!
Darla Lewis Training On *Skin Care Class POSTPONED THREE Times* Darla You
Share The MOST AWESOME Training With Us! Thank You!

Saturday 7/07 Hotline

Corrina Warwick Training On Customer Servicing.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Friday 7/06 Conference Call

Kathleen Training On The 4 Point Recruiting Plan & Dialogues.

Thursday 7/05 Conference Call

Eagles Club Search, More On Booking Scripts.

Thursday 7/05 Hotline

Karen Davison: Fast & Easy On The Go Hand Facials.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Erin, Corrina, Kathleen, & Darla Lewis Training On A Successful On The Go Apt.


Kathleen With How To Invite Guests To Meetings Script.

Monday 7/2 Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Cheryl, Kathleen On The NEW * Eagles Club *.

Hot Line Messages

Monday, July 02, 2007

Friday 6/29 Conference Call

Annette, Janie, Kathleen & Judy Morris Training On The Ice Cream Social In Shullsberg On July 9th & How To Invite Guests.

Friday 6/29 Hotline

Kathleen On Info For The Day B4 The Last Day Of Seminar Year, & Robe Update.

Thursday 6/28 Hotline

Karen Davison With Taking A Look @ Your Goals & Put On Your running Shoes :-)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Kathleen & Darla Training On The Definition Of * Who Is My Customer * Also The New Look Book Is NOW Arriving In The Mail So If You Haven't Started To Follow Up, Get Going :-)

Wednesday 6/27 Conference Call

Annette, Janie & Kathleen On Favorite Products.

Wednesday 6/27 Hotline

Kathleen With Recognition & Information About The Awards Picnic On July 17th, Plus Loving & Being Excited Our Products & Our Business.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday 6/26 Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Kathleen & Darla Training On How To Focus These Last Five Days Of The Month.

Hotline Messages

Tuesday 6/26 Hotline

Kathleen With Ideas on how to finish Up The Month & Seminar Year.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday Hotline

Darla Lewis With A Poem From Arlene Lenarz.

Saturday 6/23/07 Hotline

Karen Davison On How To Make A Model Makeover Book.

June 1, 2007 Power Party

Peggy Parish & Janie Fotes Qualified to go to the June 1st Power Party! Went to Dinner! Peggy Qualified by having a $1000 in retail and wholesale. She had a $1165 Class! Janie Qualified by having a $1000 month is sates.

Our Power Party is the first Friday of each month. You can qualify to go by:

1. $1000 Retail
2. $1000 Wholesale
3. Or a new recruit!!

So far this month those that have Qulified for July 6 Power Party are: (Because of being the fourth of July weekend we will change the date)
1. Barb Wolfe has 2 new recruits

Oh Soooo Close!!!
1. Marlene Fotes is $42 away from wholesale
2. Beth Davies is $595 away from wholesale
3. Janie Fotes is $424
4. Annette Monthey is a $361 from retail sales
5. Karen Davison is $382 from retail sales
6. Corrina Warwick is $548 from retail sales

Please let me know if this is all correct! I think the tenitive date for the power party will be July 20. Anyone want to volunteer to host it?

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Darla Lewis Training On The Shift & Some Powerful Words To Live By.

Wednesday 6/20 Hotline

Karen Davison With The 20 commandments Of A Mary Kay Beauty Consultant.

Tuesday 6/19 Hotline

Corrina Warwick Training On The New Timewise Targeted Action Eye Revitalizer.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday Hotline

Darla Lewis With Reminders On Life & What We Chose To Allow Or Not Allow In.

Saturday 6/16/07 Hotline

Karen Davison With The * Special Events With Mary Kay Flyer *

Friday, June 15, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Julia, Annette, Darla, & Kathleen Training On Time Management & The Wonderful Tools That Are Available To Help Us Keep Control Of Our Time. Is What Your Doing RIGHT NOW Getting You To Your Goal????

6/15 Hotline

Kathleen With How To Finish Up The Last Day Of The Quarter.

6/14 Hotline & Hotline Messages

Karen Davison With AWESOME Ideas On How To Finish Up What You Want To Achieve.
* BE The MASTER Of Circumstances *

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Conference Call

Annette, Kathleen Training On Inventory & Darla Training On * Sampler Friday *

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Conference Call

Peggy, Janie, Annette, Julia & Kathleen On Favorite Products & What They Do.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Julia, Kathleen, & Darla Training On Who Do You Know 10 Recruiting Questions & Calling Do's & Don'ts.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Conference Call

Janie, Darla, & Kathleen. Kathleen On The Early Ordering For Preferred Customer Program Participants PLUS Mary Diem's Seminar Contest & Rules.

Monday 6/11 Hotline

Darla With Info & Advantages Of The * Preferred Customer Program *

Friday 6/08 Conference Call

Annette, Janie, Darla, & Kathleen. The NEW Nature Renewal, Awakening Body Products & The Samples Coming Out In The Look Book. Plus An AWESOME Customer Script.

Friday 6/08 Hotline

Kathleen On The NEW Pruducts.

Thursday 6/07 Hotline

Karen Davison With Positive Words Of Thinking.