Sunday, December 31, 2006

Friday 12/22 Conference Call

I Appologize That this did not get posted on the correct date! It is a MUST listen to though.
Janie, Annette, Jan Chesmore, Marlene Fotes & Kathleen: AWESOME Gift Ideas & motovation.

Friday 12/29 Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Kathleen: New Conference Call # and Turning Facials Into Classes.

Hotline Messages

Thursday 12/28 Conference Call

Janie, Annette, Corrina, & Kathleen: Warm Chatter Dialogues.

Wednesday 12/27/06 Conference Call

Annette, Monthey, Janie Fotes, & Kathleen: UPDATED Pacesetters class info.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hot Line Messages

12/08/06 Fri CC: New Products

Kathleen Koclanes, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey: Product knowledge on the new Lip Glosses and the new Celu Shape Products

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tues 12/05 Conf Call

Janie, Annette, Darla, Corrina, & Kathleen: Overcoming Objections

Hotline Messages 12/05/06

Monday, December 04, 2006

Conference Call Mon 12/04/06

Janie, Annette, Kathleen:
Lots of exciting crow & pacesetters updates.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Friday 12/01 Conf. Call

Janie, Annette, Darla, & Kathleen

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Conference Call Thurs. 11/30/06

Janie, Annette, Darla, & Kathleen:
Scripts & Ideas for selling To Husbands For The Holidays.

Hotline Messages

Hotline Messages: WOW lots of listeners! Everyone is *rocking*

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wed Conf Call 11/29

Annette, Janie, Julia, Darla, & Kathleen: AWESOME info on our beauty blotters & the 6 most common holiday objections & how to overcome them.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

11/21 Tues Conf Call

Janie, Annette, Corrina,Julia, Darla, & Kathleen: The 5 Psychological Reasons To Move Forward.

11/21 Hotline Messages & Mon Hotline

Hotline Messages & Tues Hotline With Information From Kathleen On Pacesetters Class.

11/20/06 Mon Conf Call

Janie, Annette, Kathleen: How To Deal With Illegal Advertising & Getting In Touch With Mary Kay Legal Dept.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

11/17/06 Fri Conf. Call

Annette, Janie, & Kathleen: Information on online Pacesetters Class

11/17/06 Hotline Messages

11/16/06 Thurs Conf. Call

Janie, Annette, Corrina, & Kathleen: Managing Debt & Financing

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

11/15/06 Wed. Conf. Call

Linda Rienholtz on Holiday Open Houses & Keeping Them Simple & Easy

11/14/06 Tuesday Conf. Call

Janie, Annette, Corrina, Darla & Kathleen: The Power Of Dreams, Positive Thinking, & Affirmations.

11/13/06 Monday Conf. Call

Janie, Annette, Julia, Darla & Kathleen: Benefits of the PCP Program

11/13/06 Monday Hotline

Kathleen on Not Judging or Prejudging.

11/11/06 Hotline & Hotline messages

Saturday Hotline: Janie Fotes on Company Philosophies & Company Image

Monday, September 25, 2006

9/25/06 Monday Conference Call: Perfect Class

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis, Christy Reed:

9/22/06 Friday Conference Call: Who do you know, New product

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Montehy, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis:

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Affirmations: Kathleen Koclanes

Affirmations: Kathleen Koclanes
Date: 9/23/2006
Re: Positive affirmation from hot line
I am the presence of perfect health in every cell and organ of my body. I am the resurrection and the life, “God in Action.”
I release into the light all energies entities and mechanisims and fill myself with my pure Christ essence.
Universe divine mind by the power of grace bring to me the people and my highest and purest power in the clearest and cleanest way. Bring people to me that have the money and are happy to pay and are willing to work at the level that I am, so that I may feel the position of Executive Senior National Sales Director and a Million Dollar Director.
Divine Mind Super conscious by the power of grace bring to me the most clearest and efficient workshops, facials, classes, and interviews, bringing to me the people who are interested in the product and company on a daily basis.
Bring people to me that have the money and are willing to pay and are willing to work at the highest level that I am. We all have the money to do all the things we require and want to do plus extra! We have all the money for everything and anything at anytime. We never ever have to ever think about it. It is always just there, coming from all sources at all times.
Thank-you emotional body, show me the errors of my ways. Holy spirit, bring me the right words to say in all situations, uplifting everyone I meet always making them feel special and important.
Show me the ways that side track me. Bring to me the people and situations that will help me to hone my skills at being focused on a consistent basis.
Blessed Spirit, please bring to my attention through use of my emotional body any time I am talking out of line about some one else. Do not project any judgments. I only see everyone successful.
Emotions are energy in motion. Divine Mind by the power of grace; keep all my bodies in perfect harmony. Expand my capacity, show me the directions to take to achieving Executive Senior Sales Director. What’s next guys. Divine Sprit I know you can bring in the people and situations that can increase my income so drop it in. My sales requirements are a minimum of $1000 a week and 5 new unit recruits a week. I require this to become an Executive Senior National Sales Director.
Kathleen Koclanes

9/22/06 Friday Conference Call: Recruiting

Kathleen Koclanes, Janie Fotes, Annette Monthey, Darla Lewis: Recruiting

9/21/06 Thrusday CC: Possitive!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

9/20/06 Wednesday Confernce: The Secret!

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes:

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

9/19/06 Conference Call: Following Up

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Corrina Warwick, Darla Lewis:

Monday, September 18, 2006

9/18/06 Monday conference Call: Booths

Hot Line Messages

Charitable Foundations

We can donate to the Mary Kay Charitable foundation and 100% of the proceeds go to the charities! NO ADMINISTRATION COSTS!

Friday, September 15, 2006

9/15/06 Friday Conference Call: Eye Gel & Firming Eye Cream

Kathleen Koclanes, Janie Fotes,Annette Monthey, Darla Lewis: Eye Gel and Eye Firming Cream, Alergies:

Thursday, September 14, 2006

9/14/06 Conference Call: New Products, DON'T MISS!

Kathleen Koclanes, Janie Fotes, Annette Monthey, Darla Lewis, Chirsty Reed: Visulizing yourself into success and the new products!

Interview for Jonah Erwin

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

9/13/06 Wednesday Conference Call: Who Do You Know

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewlis: Asking for referrals:

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

9/12/06 Conference Call: You Can Do It!

Kathleen Koclanes, Corrina Warwick: Don't Miss! Getting where you want to be! Positive Affirmations!

Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11/06 CC: Booking On The Spot

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Jennifer Essary

Hot Line Messages

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Chicago With Mary Diem

Janie Fotes, Kathleen Koclanes, Barb Wolfe & Marlene Fotes

Top Ten in Wholesale for the New Year!

#1. Beth A. Davies $2,526.50

Jane L. Fotes $2,524.00
Barbara G. Wolfe $2,518.00
Christina M. Rozycki $2,191.00
Marlene K. Fotes $1,261.50
Debra M. Jacob $849.50
Nancy M. Hipp $841.50
Annette M. Monthey $729.50
Amy Bergholz $696.50
Marianne M. Lippold $638.50
Linda Robinson $588.25
Helen C. Harrison $584.00
Becky A. Baker $579.00

Seminar 2006

Barb Wolfe & Mary Diem: Barb qualified to go to Mary's Suite for doing the Diem contest all year long and selling 39 Satin Hands

Beth Davies, Annette Monthey, Kathleen Koclanes, Corrina Warwick, & Barb Wolfe

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Montehy, Beth Davies: Annette Monthey was on stage at Mary Diems night for being the longest consultant in Mary Kay at her event.

Annette Monthey, Beth Davies, Kathleen Koclanes, Corrina Warwick, & Barb Wolf

9/4/06 Monday Conference Call: Mary Kay Intouch

Mary Kay's monthly mailings and the new e-mail classes all set up for you!

Visulizing Being on Stage at Seminar

9/1/06 Friday Conference Call: On the Go

8/31/06: Conference Call: Thursday: One the Go's

8/28/06 Conference Call: Getting Bookings

Hot Line Messages

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

August Recruiters!

Beth Davies: Tina Rozycki

Corrina Warwick: Sharon Maginnis & Kelly Maginnis

8.29.06 Tuesday CC: Earning a Car

Kathleen Koclanes, Janie Fotes, Corrina Warwick, Annette Monthey: Earning a car:

8.29.06 Tuesday CC: Earning a Car

Kathleen Koclanes, Janie Fotes, Corrina Warwick, Annette Monthey: Earning a car:

Monday, August 21, 2006

08.21.06 CC: Monday Conference Call: Top Ten Sales Killers

Kathleen Koclanes, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis: Top Ten Sales Killers:

08.18.06: Friday Conference Call: Tying Customers to Us

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Beth Davie, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis: Tying Customers to Us.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

8/17/06 Thursday Conference Call: Yearly Contest

Hot Line Messages

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis, Shonda Thrash, Julia Cody: New Products, colored Moisturizer, Wash cloths etc:

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

8/15/06 Conference Call: Professional Dress

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Shonda Thrash, Julia Cody: We represent every consultant, director, and National in Mary Kay. First Impressions are lasting impressions.

Monday, August 14, 2006

8/14/06 CC: Using your Marykayintouch Calander

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Darla Lewis, Janie Fotes, Julia Cody: Use your Calander on

Hot Line Messages

Friday, August 11, 2006

Welcome To The Wonderful World of Mary Kay

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes:

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Executive Sr. Sales Director: Kathleen Koclanes

Four Point Close


What I am going to do now is have you take the back of your profile and I'm going to ask you 4 questions. On the back of your profile write #1, now if money were no object and you just won the lottery, what sets would you take home today? If you would like the Time Wise Skin Care, write TW for Time Wise. If you'd like the Miracle Set, with the Time Wise Skin Care and the Day/Night Solution, write MS for Miracle Set. Then write down the Eye-Deal Solutions Set, the Day Spa Set, Lip-Savers Set, Basic Color, and/or the Daily Benefits, whatever sets you would absolutely love to take have.

Now write #2 and write FREE next to #2 and put a dash next to that. I know no matter how much you have fallen in love with our Mary Kay Products, there's always just some things you feel you cannot splurge on right now. These are usually the extra items called the boutique items or the Vitamins or maybe the Eye-Deal Sets, something that you just feel you can't take home with you tonight. Maybe the Nail Care.

Through the hostess credit program, you can get products completely free. What I would like you to do is next to FREE write down the Sets that you would like to win and take home completely free at your second facial.

Now write #3. The check-up facial with Mary Kay is not optional,; this is a mandatory requirement. My Company has specifically told me that I must offer the check-up facial to each and every person I work with. Now, I know you want me to do things the right way, so I want to be able to offer you that check-up facial. It would only take an hour of your time. I want you to write down next to #3 when would be a convenient time to schedule your check-up facial. The beginning or end of the week? Day or evening? Whatever works best for you! You've already decided what part of the week will be best for your check-up facial. I want you to know that if you decide to share your second facial with at least 2-3 friends, up to 5 but no more than 5, that I haven't met yet, then the answer to question #2 would be completely free or at least at a considerable discount just by having a qualified class. So write "yes" next to #3 if you would like to share your second facial with 2-5 friends and get your own personalized glamour look. All Right?

Now write #4. Before I ask #4, I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I know that I mentioned at the beginning of the class what my background is. The reason I got into Mary Kay was because of money. We are the top paid sales people in the country today. And the reason I don't quit in Mary Kay is because of all of you and all the Consultants, Directors, and friends that I have made.  It's a wonderful career; I love it; I can have flexible 

hours; I work it around my children; I make up to $15,000 a month; I average anywhere from $30 to $100 an hour each week. Before I got into Mary Kay, I only had 1 or 2 friends. Now I have literally hundreds and hundreds of friends. All the free training I've gotten in Mary Kay literally costs other people thousands and thousands of dollars to get. I love my free car I have, the diamond rings, and all the potential. I just get so excited about this Company.

Now, if I have done my job today, and I have intrigued you just a little bit about how we make our money, I want you to put a question mark next to #4. If you are the kind of person who, before you would consider looking into an additional career or career change would , or need additional information, or I have really messed up today and you have not had any fun whatsoever, and it just doesn't trip your trigger at all, then I just haven't done my job. But, I would really like to be able to sit down with you and go through a little bit of how we make our money. If that's at all interesting to you, put a question mark next to #4.


Now what I want you to do is take your time and look at the different sets.  Look to see if there is anything in the sets you would not use.  I want you to put an X through any item or set that you would never use.  Then write down the retail value of each of those items.  Add it up.  I don’t want you to take anything home that you wouldn’t use.  Write down the total retail value and then you can trade that product for something you would use. Write down the total retail value and then you can trade that product for something you would use.  Then at your follow-up appointment if there is anything else we need to exchange we will do it at that time. 


Now, I'm going to talk to you individually. I told you the third part of our class is a one-on-one consultation. I'm going to be over there on the couch in my little office so that I can help you individually, one at a time. It also helps keep me from making mistakes. So, I'd really appreciate it when you're ready, just come on over and I'll help you out. When you come, grab your Beauty Book, your Profile, your Pen, your Purse, and anything else that you might be interested in having me take a look at.


Class Opening


My Class opening:


Hi my name is ____________, I have been in Mary Kay _____ years.  I want to thank my hostess ______ for having me here today.  I have 2 gifts for her as a thank-you. One is a lip gloss and the other one is this special warm fuzzy.  It reminds me to say thank-you to my hostesses.  Without my hostesses I wouldn’t be in business and I want her to know how special she is.  It is a symbol of all the nice things you do for people.  Without my hostess I wouldn’t be in business and I want her to know how important she is.  She is the queen today.  There are a couple of catches though.  The first one is that she has to wear it on her shoulder all day tomorrow and every time she sees someone she has to give them a smile a hug or a kiss.  (everyone laughs).  And the other one is when she loses it, gives it away, or wants to accumulate them on her window cell like a lot of my hostesses do, she has to have another class.  (everyone laughs again)


You will be trying a product unlike any other product on the market.  It was tested and perfected by scientists, chemists, and dermatologists  for ten years before it was put on the market for customers to buy.  Through scientific research and technology we have continually kept up with the most up to date products on the market.  We now have a new skin care program that is patented and sweeping the world with it’s incredible results in anti aging formulas and time saving techniques which you will be trying today.  Is there anyone here that is very busy?  We have been number one in skin care for many years and number one in skin care and color cosmetics for the last 7 years in a row. 


You are entitled to 2 facials, one today to try the products, and one in a week to 2 weeks to check up on you to make sure everything is working correctly.  Isn’t it neat to know that I don’t just want a one time sale?  I want to have you as a customer 5 years and 10 years from now, and that isn’t going to happen unless you really love the product, (smile nod) don’t you agree with that?  At your second facial we will give you a special glamour look, like your hostess today and will exchange and update your products free of charge, to make sure they are working for you correctly.  So be thinking of a date we can get together.


When you have your second facial and share it with 3 to 5 friends you will receive free products and hostess credit like your hostess is today. 






Conference Call: Class Opening

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis: Class Opening

Conference Call: What to do at Booths

Hot Line Messages

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tuesday Conference Call: product testing

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis, Corrina Warwick:
How great our product is and how they test them.

Monday Conference Call: Discounts & Promoting

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis, Corrina Warwidk: How Fantastic the Product is:

Hot line: Possitive Affirmation

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thursday Conference Call: The new Mary Kay Connection Products

Kathleen Koclanes, Janie Fotes, Annette Monthey: New Polo Shirt, magnetic buisness cards, and the bags to carry things to your show in and how they work:

Wednesday Conference Call: What to carry with you all the time

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes: The new product and what to take with you everywhere you go:

Wednesday Conference Call:

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes: The new product and what to take with you everywhere you go:

Hot Line: Darla Lewis & Messages

Darla Lewis: Follow through with what you do!

Tuesday Conference Call: Setting up at a Resturant

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Corrina Warwick, Darla Lewis: Having an event at a restaurant.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006