Saturday, September 23, 2006

Affirmations: Kathleen Koclanes

Affirmations: Kathleen Koclanes
Date: 9/23/2006
Re: Positive affirmation from hot line
I am the presence of perfect health in every cell and organ of my body. I am the resurrection and the life, “God in Action.”
I release into the light all energies entities and mechanisims and fill myself with my pure Christ essence.
Universe divine mind by the power of grace bring to me the people and my highest and purest power in the clearest and cleanest way. Bring people to me that have the money and are happy to pay and are willing to work at the level that I am, so that I may feel the position of Executive Senior National Sales Director and a Million Dollar Director.
Divine Mind Super conscious by the power of grace bring to me the most clearest and efficient workshops, facials, classes, and interviews, bringing to me the people who are interested in the product and company on a daily basis.
Bring people to me that have the money and are willing to pay and are willing to work at the highest level that I am. We all have the money to do all the things we require and want to do plus extra! We have all the money for everything and anything at anytime. We never ever have to ever think about it. It is always just there, coming from all sources at all times.
Thank-you emotional body, show me the errors of my ways. Holy spirit, bring me the right words to say in all situations, uplifting everyone I meet always making them feel special and important.
Show me the ways that side track me. Bring to me the people and situations that will help me to hone my skills at being focused on a consistent basis.
Blessed Spirit, please bring to my attention through use of my emotional body any time I am talking out of line about some one else. Do not project any judgments. I only see everyone successful.
Emotions are energy in motion. Divine Mind by the power of grace; keep all my bodies in perfect harmony. Expand my capacity, show me the directions to take to achieving Executive Senior Sales Director. What’s next guys. Divine Sprit I know you can bring in the people and situations that can increase my income so drop it in. My sales requirements are a minimum of $1000 a week and 5 new unit recruits a week. I require this to become an Executive Senior National Sales Director.
Kathleen Koclanes

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