Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Welcome New Consultants

Dear Super Star,
As your Executive Senior Director, I want to help you in any way I can. I want you to take advantage of every opportunity available. At this point in your career, you'll need to trust my experience and allow me to give you suggestions that I feel will help you get off to the right start. My job as your Sr. Director is to make you aware of these opportunities, but the decision to take advantage of them is left up to you. Listed below are several things of which you should take note:

1. I will be sending you our monthly unit Newsletter “Kathleen’s Super Stars”. you should read and then save it so you can refer back to it often. It contains results of all the consultants each month. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SEND ME A COPY OF YOUR SUMMARIES each week so that you can receive the recognition you deserve. It is impossible to cover everything in our training sheets, but our Mary Kay Consultants guides, workbooks and video’s cover every phase of your job in detail. Please, read and study all of them several times, because it truly holds all the knowledge necessary to be successful in Mary Kay. Take your consultants guides to meetings and your classes so you can refer to them at all times your first year in Mary Kay.

2. Another suggestion I may give you to get your career off on the right foot is to GET TO SALES MEETINGS EVERY WEEK. They truly are vital to your success in Mary Kay. You need them to keep you positive and enthusiastic, when your up we need you, when your down you need us!

3. You will hear over and over again that booking classes is the ‘LIFE LINE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and this is so true. Your continued success will be based on your ability to keep your date book filled. Please, REMEMBER, IF YOUR ARE OUT OF CLASSES, YOUR ARE OUT OF BUSINESS! One of the most important sections of your consultant guide is ‘BOOKING AND COACHING’. Do study it carefully.

4. If you’re in an area with no Director, keep in close contact with me with your summaries and phone calls, I have an e-mail address. If you call have your questions written down, and any great information that you can share to make my day! If you’re not near a Director, great! Then you can be the first Director in the area!

5. It is essential that you start your career with as may bookings as possible! The record in our unit is 21 booked classes before she held her first class! Break her record! Make a list of all your friends and acquaintances with whom you would like to share this great product. Call each of these people and very enthusiastically tell her that you have started a new career and would like her opinion of your product. Either book them for a class or invite them to come to your home for a facial. You can invite six people at a time to your home, then book each of them. WHEN YOU BOOK 8 AND HOLD 5 YOUR FIRST WEEK YOU RECEIVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL RING YOU EVER SAW!

6. Remember, a $75 class with two bookings is 100% better than a $200 class with no bookings., Set your goal now to always get your two bookings from every class you can book and you can do this if you will only ASK! Mary Kay says, “If there is a class you can book and you do not, then you’ve lost a

About Kathleen Koclanes

Kathleen Koclanes’s Accolades:

Kathleen is an Executive Senior Sales Director with 5 first line off-spring. NSD, Lisa Madson from Madison, Senior Director Felicia Gorman from Bend Oregon, Linda Reinholtz from Madison, Senior Director Beth Gallagher from Pardeeville WI, Deb Finley from Butler WI, and Darla Lewis from Sherman TX..

She has been in Mary Kay since December 26, 1977

She joined Mary Kay four months after her marriage to her wonderful husband Phil, who encouraged and gave her the confidence to sell Mary Kay. He has always allowed her to do whatever she wanted in Mary Kay and insisted she start out with the top inventory to give her the best chance possible in making Mary Kay a success. He actually took her to the bank and made sure the bank approved the loan. They have 2 perfect children, Amber 24 who graduated from College in business and sells Mary Kay now, and Aaron 22.

She has been driving FREE her whole life because of Mary Kay with 15 new cars, 4 Cadillac's, taking the cash option the last 4 cars of up to $820 a month, making enough extra money to pay for any cars she had before Mary Kay.

She hasn’t made less that $75,000 in the last 22 years, over $100,000 the last 10 years, and has had 5 checks over $15,000 in one month, earning over a million dollars in her Mary Kay Career.

She became the #1 consultant in her unit as a brand new consultant her first six months in the company. She quit her job the day before Christmas and signed her agreement the day after Christmas, and had her first show on New Years day replacing her full time management income by holding 5 classes her first week only working 12 hours a week.

She was the first Director in the Diem National Area to earn a company trip which was first class all the way to Switzerland for herself and her husband Phil, and a full length mink coat.

She was the first Consultant in the Southern part of Wisconsin to be on the National Court of Sales, and has done it 13 times, being in the top 20 two times.

Her and Phil purchased a home 5 months after she joined Mary Kay in 1978 and paid it off nine years latter in 1986, when Phil sold his business. They also at that time paid cash to build a 2 and a half garage and Phil took off work for 4 years with the children being 4 and 6 years of age and became a house Dad. Since that time Kathleen has completely supported the family 100% which has been since 1987. She has been able to pay cash for a $20,000 new kitchen, $10,000 bathroom, central air, new windows, new roof, and many other house improvements. She has been able to send their children to a private school for 9 years and pay cash for their college.

Besides being the Senior Director to the 5 best Off-Spring in the Mary Kay world, her proudest honor was to be the first Miss Go Give in the Diem National Area, Mary Diem’s first year as a National Sales Director.

Executive Senior Sales Director Kathleen
Koclanes soon to be Executive Senior National Sales Director! Our Area goal is to finish National with 6 more first line Off-Spring and 4 more Senior Sales Directors


Tuesday’s, 2005
August 16
October 18
December 13

Facials & Glamour 6:00 PM, Marketing and Pizza at 7 PM

Rocky Rococo’s (608-241-8001) 1753 Thierer Rd, Madison
Just off of East Washington Ave., behind Cuna Credit Union, by East Town.

$13 to enter you and ALL RECRUITABLE GUESTS OVER 18 — This pays for you and guests over 18 as long as they are present for the whole evening and the drawings. Includes a slice of pizza, soda, & salad. If you have guests under 18 & Men pay $7 for each one or have them pay for themselves. Also Guests that have been to more than two guests events in the last 6 months pay $7.
(tickets are non refundable)