Thursday, July 28, 2005

Great Ideas!

Hello everyone!

A consultant in my unit, Rebecca Gillespie, shared her ideas on meetings with her adopted director, Jennie Parker. Wow?.they?re great!

Of course if you want to send her an email thanking her?.she should be a director!

Here they are?

1. Dinner & a Makeover - Great idea (a play off the TV show Dinner & a Movie). We did this at the other center I was at (I even have the flyers that I created). Basically, the guests get makeovers and then we everyone has dinner while the recognition part is going on. We did it several different ways - one time preordered Boston Market meals (everyone paid), another time we ordered pizza, brought a big salad and couple 2 liters of soda (everyone chipped in a couple dollars), and another time potluck. It seemed to solve the "food" issue many guests have since we start @ dinner time for most. This was always a big hit!!
2. Eyes Cream Social - The guests got entire makeovers (quick) but the emphasis was on the eyes. The guests tried the eye creams, indulge soothing eye mask, and liners. The "training" for all was going over some of Robert Jones eye shapes details and how to properly apply eye colors for their eye type. Everyone then had ice cream sundaes (each person was asked to bring their favorite topping to share). A lot of fun!
3. In honor of the company's anniversary in Sept, I thought that for our Sept 12th meeting we could have a "Birthday Party". I created this at my last center and it was a blast. Guests got makeovers & a little gift (usually each consultant was asked to bring a gift wrapped - kind of like we did for off the wall). We served punch and cake. The fun part was playing Mary Kay Jeopardy. It was great training for the consultants and guests (if you are interested I can explain the game more and send over the questions). The winning team each won something little - pencil.
4. MK Auction & Store - For 1 whole month, the guests and consultants had a way to earn MK money (which I have a copy of). Consultants earned $ by classes held, guests brought to meetings, coming to the meetings, etc. Plus, they were given a Scavenger Hunt sheet 2 of the weeks. Based on their total points, they earned certain $ amounts. Guests earned $ by attending the meetings, holding a facial or class, hearing the mktg that month, brining a friend to the meeting, etc. The night of the auction the director(s) laid out 2 tables : One was the store and the other the auction . The store was for guests with MK items to "purchase" with their money (usually discontinued items, old bags, travel size hand creams, old PCP, etc.). The auction was for consultants: It contained items to silent bid on. Usually gift certificates (ex: lunch with Jennie Parker, tea with Jennie Parker, etc. basically one on one time with you) or various other misc gifts/old prizes, consultant supplies. Tons of fun! Plus, it had everyone in motion working to earn more money but building business at same time.
5. For College/Back to School - Do a tailgate party. Guests encouraged to wear their favorite collegiate team sweatshirt. Decorate with football decorations. Play college fight songs or jock jams songs. Serve hot dogs, chips, and soda outside (weather permitting).
6. Pizza & Pampering
7. Extreme Makeovers: Beauty Edition Like the M.O.R.E. where there were stations setup...each guest can rotate or go to whatever station they choose. Ex: nails, lips, eyes, body care, etc. And take before and after photos with a digital or polaroid camera
8. Glamour Brush Clinic Guests get the same makeovers that evening but instead they can bring or buy the brush set that evening and learn to apply makeup the professional way. We did this before and for all guests that came that evening they received the brush set at a discount or free with $X purchase that evening. Consultants and guests learn the proper way to apply makeup with brushes. (Could also show Robert Jones books or DVD) Or do a drawing to win a something.
9. Pajama Party - Guests can come in their favorite (appropriate PJ's). Focus on miracle set and nightly routine but NO color. They would take color card home! Usually serve some munchies.
The Chocolate Night was fun!!
Other: I know that you were also thinking who else to bring in. Here are some ideas: I liked the hairstyle idea that we tied in before. Maybe to bring in someone that can do the digital photos w/ new hairstyles, or go over hairstyles and your face shape for each person (with one winning a new style).
Maybe something also to do with organizing your life. Bring in a professional organizer/closet organizer, etc.
Another idea would be to do a take on the show 30 Minute Meals. We'd call it "30 Minutes or Less" Do complete makeovers and bring in someone to demo quick/healthy meal tips for busy women. The basic idea is tips for women with 30 min or less. Cooking, reading, relaxing, makeup, etc.

Judie McCoy
Sr. National Sales Director

Lighting Tomorrow with Today!

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