Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10/26/07 Conference Call/Hotline

Julia & Kathleen With Training On Class Close. Tell Them What You Want To Do & Then Ask Permission.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday 10/25/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Julia, Darla & Kathleen:
Class Close & HOW IMPORTANT It Is & To Specify The Hostess Program

Wednesday 10/24/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Julia, Annette, Bobbie, Mary, & Kathleen With * OUR FAVORITE PRODUCTS * The Spacifics & Why To Use Them.

Tuesday 10/23/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Annette, Corrina, Darla, & Kathleen: The Eagle Concept.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Audio On David Cooper Guest Night & Workshop

Guest Speakers David Cooper, Jan Chesmore & Kathleen KoClanes .

Monday 10/22/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Cheryl, Julia, Mary, Bobbie, & Kathleen on keeping track of names & phone numbers without using paper by using Outlook on your computer.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday 10/19/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Shonda, Julia, Darla, & Kathleen On Recruiting & Asking Questions To Help Them Think About What They Just Said, Plus David Cooper Work Shop.

Thursday 10/18/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Mary, Bobbie, Julia, Annette, Darla, & Kathleen With Training On Becoming A Car Winner & What You Need To Do.

Wednesday 10/17/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Julia, Annette, & Kathleen With Product Knowledge Day.

Tuesday 10/16/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Mary , Annette, Darla, & Kathleen With Mary Kay's Philosophies & Living By The Golden Rule, & Go Give Spirit.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Monday 10/15/2007 Hotline/Conference Call

Mary, Annette, Bobbie, Julia, Darla, & Kathleen Talking About Eileen Mackley & Teaching On How She Became So Successful. Do Not Worry About Results, Think Of The *Sharing*

Friday 10/12/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Julia, Bobbie, Darla, & Kathleen Talking About Second Facial.

Thursday 10/11/07 Hotline/Conference Call

Kathleen, Darla & Julia On Recruiting & How To Turn It Around By Using The Word *Sharing* Instead.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Conference Call/Hotline

Darla, Kathleen, & Julia With Favorite Products.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Conference Call

Bobbie, Mary, Corrina, Darla, Kathleen On Updated Contests Plus Holiday Selling Ideas.

Monday 10/08/2007 Conference Call

Julia, Bobbie, Darla, Kathleen With Company Contest Updates Plus Julia On Selling To Businesses.

Thursday 10/04/2007 Conference Call

Julia, Marlene, Bobbie, Kathleen & Darla: Do You Want To Own, Or Rent???? How Your Business Is Focused On This Principle. Plus Keeping Your Important Business Information @ Your Finger Tips.

Wednesday 10/03

Favorite Product Day With Mary, Julia, & Kathleen. Plus The New Hotline Phone # Is 641-715-3423 Acess Code 354937#

Tuesday 10/02/2007 Conference Call

Kathleen, Darla, & Julia Training On Getting Your Mens Support.

Tuesday 10/02/2007 Hotline

Darla Lewis With Starting Over, Getting The Ball Rolling & Time Management.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Monday 10/01/2007 Conference Call

Julia, Darla, & Kathleen Training On Calling Customers & Getting Started Again.

Monday 10/01/2007 Hotline

Kathleen With Call 3 People Challenge & New Beginnings.

09/28/2007 Conference Call

Darla, Marlene, Kathleen With Holiday Thinking Sheets & Tons Of Ideas

Friday 9/28 Hotline

Karen Davison Sharing Her Awesome Training.