Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday Conference Call: Take Care of your new Recruits

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis: Take care of your new recruits:

Thursday Conference Call: Facial Boxes

Kathleen Koclanes, Anntte Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis, Jody Weber, Corrina Warwick: Jody Weber earned her car with facial boxes!

Hot Line Messages

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wednesday Conference Call: Staying Positive

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Annette Monthey, Julia Cody: How to keep on going no matter what!

Tuesday Conference Call: Advertising

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Daral Lewis, Janie Fotes: Advertising your buisness:

Monday Conference Call: How to over come, "I like what I use"

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis: How to work with people that like the products they use.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday Conference Call: Warm chattering

Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Corrina Warwick, Julia Cody, Kathleen KoClanes. Warm Chatter & getting new names.

Wednesday Conference Call: Booking from Classes

Karen Davison, Annette Monthey, Darla Lewis, Kathleen KoClanes. Training in booking from classes.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Conference Call: Getting appointments & orders

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis, Corrina Warwick: Boosting your sales for the summer:

Hot Line Messages

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Conference Call: Sun Screen

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis, Shonda Thrash: Sun Sreen! How important is it and how does it work!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Conference Call: New Products

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Corrina Warwick, Darla Lewis, Janie Fotes: New Products:

Conference Call: How to say things

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis, Corrina Warwick: How to say things:

Hot Line Messages

Monday, June 12, 2006

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Conference Call: How to move discontinued product

Kathleen Koclanes, Shonda Thrash, Janie Fotes, Annette Monthey, Darla Lewis: PMS Bags, Coffee, Cream and a Dream, and how to move old product:

Monday, June 05, 2006

Conference Call: Closing a Sales

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fots: Closing a Sale or Recruit

Conference Call: Hostess Coaching

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes: Hostess Coaching

Friday, June 02, 2006

Hot Line Messages

Conference Call: Contests for July

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis: Unit, National Area, and Company Contest for July:

Conference Call: $500 Cash Drawing Contest

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis: Recruiting Contest for the month of June! $500 Cash Give a Way:

Conference Call: Owning a Mary Kay Buisness

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Darla Lewis: Owning a Mary Kay Buisness verses a regular buisness:

Hot LIne Messages