Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Conference Call: Having $10,000 Weeks Consistantly

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Emma Boroughs, Vickie Hubbard, Judy Calloway, Corrina Warwick: Having $10,000 weeks, week after week after week!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Conference Call: Booking From Your Classes

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Judy Callowy, Janie Fotes, Emma, Vickie Hubbard; Booking from your classes, tenitive booking

Friday, January 27, 2006

Conference Call: History of Go-Give by Kathleen Koclanes

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Emma

TOP Year to date in Retail from wholesale

Our Year is from July 1 2005 - June 30 2006

Note the monthly maximum allowable amount, which can count towards Seminar Queen's Court of Personal Sales, has not been applied to the amount in the "Amount away from" column.
Check Contest Rules and current month production to determine eligibility
to achieve contest requirements.

Consultant Name Retail & Credit Amount away from Court of Sales Goal
(Monthly cap of $13,000 needs to be considered
when evaluating court eligibility.)

Top Ten Wholesale
Anyone with $10,000 retail from wholesale will receive an extra prize at the end of the year!
Top Three receive extra prizes! How Close are you?

The first number is retail year to date, the second number is how far you are away from Nation Court of Sales and going across stage at Seminar and receiving your beautiful Diamond Ring!

1. Jane L. Fotes $7,940.00 $28,060.00
2. Sherry D. Soehnlein $6,601.50 $29,398.50
3. Barbara G. Wolfe $6,286.50 $29,713.50

Top Ten receive ribbons and recogniton!

4. Marlene K. Fotes $5,777.00 $30,223.00
5. Beth A. Davies $4,197.00 $31,803.00
6. Linda Robinson $3,526.50 $32,473.50
7. Malissa Wipperfurth $3,275.00 $32,725.00
8. Kelley K. Harbort $2,987.00 $33,013.00
9. Spring J. Fleming $2,828.00 $33,172.00
10. Erin A. O'Brien $2,340.00 $33,660.00

Top 20! How close are you to top ten?

11. Michelle M. Lechleitner $2,252.50 $33,747.50
12. Geralyn M. Heidt $1,786.00 $34,214.00
13. Nancy M. Hipp $1,706.50 $34,293.50
14. Janet M. Beecham $1,537.50 $34,462.50
15. Nicole L. Lechleitner $1,533.00 $34,467.00
16. Maria P. Griffin $1,488.50 $34,511.50
17. Kathleen Wakeley $1,406.00 $34,594.00
18. Amanda L. Johnson $1,251.00 $34,749.00
19. Julie Arntz $1,238.50 $34,761.50
20.Grace F. Papenfuss $1,218.00 $34,782.00

Tami Vernier $1,207.00 $34,793.00
Laura L. Sholts $1,194.00 $34,806.00
Cynthia P. Fouche $1,169.50 $34,830.50
Susan Sprtel $1,138.50 $34,861.50
Corrina A. Warwick-Scheel $1,110.00 $34,890.00
Renee N. Rosenthal $1,084.00 $34,916.00
Vicki Wipperfurth $1,021.00 $34,979.00
Donna M. DeHaven $1,013.50 $34,986.50
Debra M. Jacob $901.00 $35,099.00
Shanna Amble $898.00 $35,102.00
Michelle M. Harrington $898.00 $35,102.00
Judy A. Cloud Calloway $834.00 $35,166.00
Lucy Benoy $822.00 $35,178.00
Brenda L. Peterson $692.00 $35,308.00
Helen C. Harrison $569.00 $35,431.00
Amy Bergholz $556.00 $35,444.00
Stacy A. Wistl $519.50 $35,480.50
Eileen M. Droese $486.00 $35,514.00
Emily Jackson $448.00 $35,552.00
Peggy A. Parish $444.50 $35,555.50
Nancy J. Denman $435.00 $35,565.00
Cory A. Beale $434.00 $35,566.00
Marie Mudrock $433.50 $35,566.50
Dawn M. Endries $432.50 $35,567.50
Becky A. Baker $427.00 $35,573.00
Amber M. Koclanes $417.00 $35,583.00
Patricia L. Rasmussen $416.00 $35,584.00
Laura Erickson $413.50 $35,586.50
Patricia L. Berry $408.50 $35,591.50
Kathryn D. Cramer $408.00 $35,592.00
Jeanne K. Magill $408.00 $35,592.00
Jael R. Dobbe $407.00 $35,593.00
Polly J. Reott $406.50 $35,593.50
Diane M. Kempen $404.50 $35,595.50
Debra K. Finley $400.00 $35,600.00
Annette M. Monthey $400.00 $35,600.00
Jaime M. Pergande $222.00 $35,778.00
Fayth J. Block $0.00 $36,000.00
Stephanie M. McAdory $0.00 $36,000.00

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Conference Call: Visualizing Career Conference

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Corrina Warwick

Hot Line: 1/26/2006

Kathleen Koclanes, Contest for Career Conference

Conference Call: Clearing the negative from your past!

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Vickie Hubbard: Clearing all the negative from your past.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Jan Chesmore: Career Circle, Marketing!

Jan Chesmore:

If you could add 5 avenues on Income into your present life style without changing your present life style, would that be of interest to you?

What I am about to share with you is 5 different avenue's of income in Mary Kay how you could make money. Did you know if you put $2000 away a year for 20 years at a 12% interest rate, you would have $162,000 in the bank? If you put $3000 a year away for 20 years at a 12% yield interest rate out of an insurance company you would have $242,000. Did you know if you left it for another 10 years at a total of 30 years of savings you would have $750,000. You all are familiar with that Mary Kay is famous for Pink Cadillac's and Diamonds. But what I am going to talk to you is about cash.

I am going to talk to you about bringing $10,000 worth of discretionary income into your present life style without changing a thing.

So if you could take lip stick and turn it into a life style would you be impressed with that?

So what I would like you to do is take a pencil and a piece of paper and make a big circle in the middle of it. Then I would like you to from top to bottom divide it in half, then from left to right divide it in half again. Then from one of those pieces of pie divide that in half. So now numerically 1-5 clock wise I would like you to write the numbers in your pieces of pie. So now we are going to start. Now the very first question I am going to ask you is:

1. If you knew you could change your life for $100, could you put your hands on $100? Because this decision is merely a $100 decision. It's not going to change your financial situation, because it is now different than buying a dress, but it could change your life. So the very first thing I need to know is could you put your hands on $100.

2. The second question I need to know is are you presently using Mary Kay? Great, have you ever gotten any compliments on using Mary Kay, or the condition of your skin, or maybe what you using on your eyes? Great,

So in pie number one: I want you to write, (marketing your product). If you did nothing but purchase the product at wholesale from the company and give out 25 business cards a month, put a decal on your car, wear a Mary Kay pin, and a Mary Kay T-shirt, did you know you would bring in over a $1000 a year accidentally by just looking your best as a Mary Kay customer and a Mary Kay Consultant?

Pie number two: is called a (drop off pick up station). And that's called a drop off pick up station. I have a cooler in front of my house where customers can stop by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and pick up product and leave a check at their convenience. No matter where you live people want to just pick up and drop off. At any given week I will have anywhere from $300 to $500 a week where people are saying I need this and this and this and this, or I need a book or a sample. When I started doing this it was $50 to $100 a week. It has done nothing but multiply. So if you just made yourself available by having a little drop off pick up station on your front porch you could bring in over $1000 a year.

Pie number three: I call my eclectic no brainier product (Satin Hands). Everybody has hands. And did you know because we male and females need body or hand lotions on our hands, we have a product called satin hands. It retails for $28. If you did nothing but sell 3 sets per month, it would almost be $1200. Now what I would like you to do is round that off to a $1000 a year. So promoting satin hands to males and females that would be $1000.

Pie number four: Is (corporate mailing list) Now, have you ever received a mailer from a leading department store? We are all familiar with Estalauder and Clinic. Because I think they we're probable the grandfathers of all mailers. You buy $40 worth of this and you get a free umbrella so no could rain on your parade, no never mind. Here I go. Corporate mailing lists. Did you know that over 4 million Mary Kay Customers will be lost this year, because people do not take care of their customers. People do not pass their customers on when they come and go? A lot of people come into Mary Kay, but a lot of people do not necessarily stay in Mary Kay. Some people come in for a reason a season or a life time. We as Mary Kay Consultants are constantly always rebuilding our client base. If you did nothing but 2 names per week, that's 100 a year. That is 33 customers you would retain as customers in a year. 33 customers purchasing over $400 in a year. That is over $13,000 in retail sales. Because we buy our product for a dollar and sell it for two we would wholesale $6,500. Now because we give-a-way bonus gifts that does cost us because we are all independent contractors, so roughly I am going to tell you, if you did nothing but take care of 33 customers properly as a Mary Kay beauty consultant you could expect $3000 in returnable income.

Pie number five: (professional recruiter). And last but not least have you ever recommended someone for a job? You’re just like I am. Did they take the job? Yes. Did the company give you $10,000 for recommending that person, like most head hunting companies do? Well in Mary Kay they do. Do you know that is you did nothing but purchase the product at wholesale every three months you could become a professional recruiter in Mary Kay? There is a professional recruiter that is now a million dollar Mary Kay National. And she recruited for other companies, and when they were unhappy with what they were doing, they would come back to her and say, you found me that job for six months and I'm not happy, fined me another job. And here this was a Mary Kay beauty consultant, and she said why don't you go and put your hands on $200 and try Mary Kay. So if you did nothing but recruit 24 people a year, an average Mary Kay Consumer will do $600, with bonus's that would be $3,745. So you can roughly round out being a talent scout to $3600.

So out of the circle, the five avenues of income which one appeals to you? Or are you just like I am. I said it all too.

One more question I need to ask you. When you were first introduced to Mary Kay was it at a private facial or a group facial? Did you know the private consumer purchasing Mary Kay the first the national average is $180? So if you would like to step out in faith and give a Mary Kay facial once a month you could have another $1800 in return.

Do you have any questions?

Is there any reason why we couldn't process your paper work and have you get started in your new endeavor? Great, thank-you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Conference Call: Cystic and Dry Acne

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Vickie Hubbard: cystic and dry acne

Monday, January 23, 2006

Conference Call: Customer service and urea in the product.

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Janie Fotes, Annette Monthey. Customer service. urea in the product.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Consultants That have moved up since December First!

Anyone moving up to the next level starting a Star Recruiter will be able to go to the luncheon at Career Conference! Check out the recognition for Career Conference and the dates for your area on Mary Kay Intouch!

Janie Fotes, New Star Recruiter

Malissa Wipperfurth, New Star Recruiter

This could be you!

Star Consultant this Quarter Already!

Marlene Fotes, Ruby Star Consultant!

Star Consultants Last Quarter!

Beth Davies, Saphire Star

Janie Fotes, Saphire Star

Barb Wolfe, Saphire Star

Sherry Soehnlein, (no Picture) Saphire Star

Conference Call: NEW Poducut Coming! Lip Primer, Day/Night Solution!

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Judy Calloway: Product knowledge on the new products!

Conference Call: Kids, product knowledge, booking

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Brook Badget, Corrina Warwick, Judy Calloway, Janie Fotes. Working around children, skin care knowledge, and booking on the phone.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

2006 Leadership in Atlanta Georga!

Phil & Kathleen Koclanes, Darla & Tim Lewis

Gloria Mayfield Guest Night!

Gloria Mayfield Banks, Barb Wolfe

Marlene Fotes, Lisa Madson, Kathleen Koclanes

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Conference Call: Valentine Sales and Consultant Folder

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Valentine Sales, Consultant Folder

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Conference Call: Making Money

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Judy Callaway. Making Money

Conference Call: Booking

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Brook Badget, Christy Reed, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Vickie Hubbard, Judy Calloway. Booking.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Conference Call: **** Recruiting! Fantastic! Don't Miss!

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Vickie Hubbard, Judy Calloway. Recruiting! Fantastic!

Conference Call: NSD Mary Diem

NSD, Mary Diem, Conference Call, Kathleen Koclanes, Class Opening and Closing

Conference Call: Leadership, Warm Chattering

Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Vickie Hubbard, Judy Calloway, warm chattering

Conference Call: New Contest! Charm bracelet!

Kathleen Koclanes, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Judy Calloway, Vickie Hubbard. New contest. Charm parceled.

Conference call: Tuesday

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Judy Calloway, Vickie Hubbard

Friday, January 06, 2006

Book 10, Hold 10, Share 10 Challange!

Jan. 1 — Feb. 28, 2006

Here's the perfect opportunity to get back to the basics and get on the fast track to success in the new year.

Rules and Recognition
Independent Beauty Consultants or Independent Sales Directors who book and hold at least 10 classes and share the opportunity by holding at least 10 team-building appointments in each of the months of January and February will receive a name badge ribbon and onstage recognition at Career Conference 2006.

To qualify, you must enter your classes and team-building appointments in the Book 10! Hold 10! Tracking Sheet and the Share 10! Tracking Sheet by March 3, 2006.

Conference Call: Money Management

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Vickie Hubbard, Janie Fotes. We talk about Deb Finley and how she uses wish lists all year long and Darla talks about money management.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Conference Call: Jan Chesmore - Forget the Past

Kathleen Koclanes, Jan Chesmore, Annette Monthey, Janie Fotes, Corrina Warwick, Carol, Vickie Hubbard

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Conference Call: Fantastic! On dry acne 10 class week

Kathleen Koclanes, Darla Lewis, Jan Chesemore, Janie Fotes, Judy Calloway, Carol, Vickie Hubbard, Annette Monthey! This is fantastic! On skin problems, how to get answers on the Mary Kay Web Site, and what a 10 class week can do for you!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Conference Call: The ABC's of Recruiting

Kathleen Koclanes, Jan Chesmore, Darla Lewis, Corrina Warwick, Vickie Hubbard, Carol, Judy Calloway, Annette Monthey: Jan and Darla talk about Eileen Mackley. People are talkers and doers. Motivations, the ABC's of recruiting.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Conference Call

Kathleen Koclanes, Jan Chesmore Darla Lewis, Annette Monthey, Judy Callowy, Janie Fotes. Judy Crows about warm chattering and we talk about counting your inventory now! Tax time!